Victoria Cass lectures and writes on Chinese culture of the
traditional periods, having taught Chinese language and literature at
the University of Colorado Boulder, the University of Minnesota and the
University of California Berkeley. She specializes in the areas of
religion and myth, storytelling and popular culture, and women's history
of China. Her book Dangerous Women, Warriors, Grannies and Geishas of the Ming was published in 1999. In the Realm of the Gods, Lands, Myths, and Legends of China
was published in 2008. Victoria Cass has studied and worked in China
since 1963, when she first studied Mandarin Chinese at the Mandarin
Language Institute and lived with a Chinese family. Since then she has
completed additional language studies, graduate work, research projects
and employment in China. She received her Masters in Far Eastern
Languages and Literatures from Yale University and her Doctorate from
the University of California, Berkeley. She may be contacted at Victoria.cass@colorado.edu.
. . . More about Victoria Cass
Photo by Grant Leighton